28 Feb, 2017

Popular Promotional Merchandise And Why You Should Buy it

Star Shape Massager

All businesses want to stand apart from their competitors and be unique. They want to have a brand that customers can easily recognise and relate to. You will only gain this recognition if you have a solid marketing campaign in place. Modern marketing is a combination of traditional and digital strategies. Most marketers focus on digital techniques but business owners should be aware that traditional strategies involving promotional merchandise can be very effective as well. At Brand Republic, we recommend you consider these popular promotional products for your campaigns.

Coffee Mugs

These are some of the most popular promotional merchandise available in the market. In fact, business owners consider it the first choice for promotional strategies. Coffee mugs are popular because they’re versatile. You have enough space on the surface to add your company name, logo, and some interesting or inspiring quote. Coffee mugs are often used as pen holders and desk decorations as well so even people who don’t like drinking coffee will like to receive a mug as a gift.


T-shirts and other such apparel are also very popular, especially with companies that have a well-established brand and logo. Printed t-shirts with brand colours can be an excellent gift for employees, customers, and business associates alike. If you choose good quality materials and a great design, the recipients won’t discard the t-shirts. We recommend that you add a witty or humorous quote to the t-shirts. Your customers and associates will be more willing to wear them if you do.

Key Chains and Bottle Openers

These two promotional merchandise options are surprisingly popular, especially in industries with a predominantly male and young target audience. If you intend to target that demographic, you should consider key chains or bottle openers. Both of these items are durable and can be a constant presence in your customer’s life. People rarely throw bottle openers or key chains away because they’re quite useful. Customers can retain keys and bottle openers for years so they provide enduring value.

Water Bottles

Water bottles are also very popular, though not as much as the three options mentioned above. Our water bottles also have a larger surface area so you can print almost anything on it. You can add your company tagline, brand name, logo, and other such designs to make these bottles interesting and attractive to your customers and associates. Water bottles are useful, especially the sports-type bottles that people can carry around during their workout.

While these products are very common, they will effectively capture your target audiences’ attention and help increase visibility. Sometimes, tried and tested marketing techniques just work and give the best results. This promotional merchandise is worth your investment.

Get to know more about our products and services at Brand Republic by getting in touch with us today! You can call us on 03 9646 7066 or email us at info@brandrepublic.com.au. You can also contact us through this form and we’ll get right back to you.