
27 Sep, 2022

Three Common Promotional Ideas Using Branded Merchandise

There is no limit to using different products to promote a brand. Marketers and promoters often just use basic products to get their message across. Other times they will experiment with new products to try and get a maximum outcome. However they choose to use branded merchandise different audienc ...more...

22 Sep, 2022

4 Must Have Beach Promotional Items

It doesn't have to be summer to enjoy the beach. In fact people enjoy the beach all year round which is why a beach themed promotion is always going to work. The good thing is that there are heaps of promotional products which can be used in such promotions with great effect. Here are 4 must have be ...more...

What is Company Swag and How Can it Help You?

In the field of marketing and promotional products there are often terms you hear which you are not familiar with. One such term is Company Swag. If you are not in the promotional products industry then you have like not heard the term. It is not something that you would find in the common vernacula ...more...

19 Sep, 2022

3 Great Products Heading into Spring

It might not always seem obvious but the kind of branded promotional products you choose from you marketing campaign are often dictated by the seasons. Whilst there are some products which are in use all year round there are others which more popular at certain times of the year. Here we look at 3 g ...more...

17 Sep, 2022

2 Personalised Merchandise Items You Should Be Using

One of the greatest joys in marketing is seeing a person's face light up when you give them a promotional gift. The same feeling is felt by staff when you give them something which they need and can use in their work life. That is why it is important to keep stock of personalised merchandise so that ...more...

16 Sep, 2022

2 Great Corporate Apparel Items To Add To Your Wardrobe

Usually when people think corporate apparel they envisage something more formal like business shirts and pant. That doesn't need to be the way. There are casual corporate apparel items which look just as good on staff. There are ways to look good without breaking the bank. These are 2 great corporat ...more...

13 Sep, 2022

4 Great Ideas For Outdoor Promotions

The days are gradually getting warmer so before you know it spring will be upon us. This will give us more opportunity to spend more time out doors. It will also give marketers the chance to run more outdoor events. Running outdoor events is always fun and a great opportunity to promote ones brand o ...more...

10 Sep, 2022

3 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Gifts

The act of corporate gift giving is a very generous way to engage with customers. It is also a very effective way to promote your business and brand. Finding the right gift does require some planning and consideration. How to enhance your corporate gifts is a lot easier. Here are 3 ways to enhance y ...more...

07 Sep, 2022

The Best Umbrellas

When looking for corporate gift ideas it is important to find something that will have mass appeal. You want to be sure that the product will be durable and in use for a long time after you have distributed it. After all most companies and organisations operate on a limited budget so they want to ge ...more...