All The Top Advantages of Corporate Apparel

The act of making corporate apparels standardized at work has equal benefits for both the company and all the staff members. The following are several benefits of investing in corporate apparel:

Establishes business Image — There is a saying that you are what you wear, this may not be the very best of lessons for the generations to come and should not be appropriate but unfortunately, it is. People tend to judge other people and establish viewpoints by how they look. For that reason, when a cosmetic company’s sales team is outfitted in stylish and high-end corporate apparel, people will immediately be drawn towards them, as compared to the ones who are outfitted in standard clothes, albeit fashionably.

All about professionalism —  When employees dress up in their company workwear, they understand that they are symbolizing the icon they are putting on their apparel as well. This always delivers a change to their personality, their pace and eventually, their efficiency. Once you feel all-pro, you are enticed to behave all professional as well

Signifies equality — That is what corporate uniforms are for, for generating uniformness. When two people work under the same company, with one dressed like a supermodel and the other clothed as a homeless individual, no matter how hard everybody tries, the first one will always be treated in a different way compared to the latter. It will additionally prompt feelings of reduced confidence and will impact everyone’s worth sense

Making sure of workplace safety— Certain job descriptions advise future personnel of safety dangers. This is the reason why not merely are the staff members supplied with safety gear, but their corporate uniforms to function as a protecting layer, in contrast to regular clothing. Organizations specifically get a hold of corporate apparel manufacturers to organize complete body safety uniforms for their staff members.

Helps to saves money — The majority of front line staff members have difficulty to create ends meet, plus the last thing they require to do is to go shopping for clothes each month only so that they possess something good to put on to work. And in case the work colleagues are inclined to wearing premium branded clothing, it not solely gives them a sense of dejection, but even obliges the personnel to purchase high-priced clothes for themselves as well. It is an additional waste of money and also spoils the work surroundings with all the chat of gossiping and fashions.

Provides advertising opportunity — Your staff members are often your best form of marketing, so getting them into custom branded apparel helps keep the image you work for and provides a modest form of marketing – a logo on a business shirt or on workwear is often the first thing that catches the eye.


In addition to all the discussed advantages of corporate apparels, it is additionally \ excellent resource of supporting staff members as well as generates team spirit. When two people wearing the exact same apparel run into each other on a street corner, they certainly will be waving talking as well as, and becoming friends with the other person. Commit to a customizable corporate apparel today. Get in touch with the expert customizable apparel manufacturers for more information and for a free service quote.


At Brand Republic, we have a range of items which your staff members can wear including men’s and women’s business shirts for those who predominately work in the office, polo’s for those who travel regularly or work in a non-office environment, and high-vis safety wears for those working on-site or around machinery.

Every Business Needs Business Pens

I have run a few businesses in my life. The first business I set up was a language school in Europe. I had been studying in Germany and working in a language school call Viva Lingua. At the time Germany was going through high unemployment so these two guys got funding from the government and set up the school. I started working at the school whilst I was still studying as I needed the money and it was a good experience. After finishing my studies I decided that I would set up my own school, which I did. Unfortunately it didn’t go to well but it was an important lesson about business. Anyway I was in Europe and my intension was always to return home as I had the hots for a chick here.

One thing it did teach me was the importance of promoting ones business. You need to promote your business if you want to attract customers. That was something that I was successful at doing. You also need to reward your customers if you want to keep them loyal. One way to do it is to use promotional products. With promotional products you are able to show your customers your appreciation and whats more it can lead to referrals. One of the best promotional products I found was business pens.

I have always liked the idea of giving away promotional pens as a gift. I like to get them because you can never have enough pens, and I like to give them away for the same reason. Every business should have business pens available to give their customers at the drop of a hat. I mean for a few cents you can give your customer something that you know they will use and inevitably will past onto to someone else. I don’t know how many times I have been standing in line at the airport filling out the immigration card and have lent my pen to one of the other passengers.

The same can be said about other locations like the RTA where you get asked by someone for a lend. Every time it has been a promotional pen with someones logo on it. Every time I have done it I am sure the person saw the logo and it would have made an impression. So for the cost of a few lollies that businesses logo would have been imprinted into someones memory.

The fact of the matter is that business pens or promotional pens are one of the most popular promotional items out there. The fact that they are so easy to print and are inexpensive probably goes a long way to explaining that. What is interesting is the BIC Graphic has decided to stop selling promotional pens in the Australian market. What is so surprising about that is that they have good pens and a brand that is so recognisable. Maybe it was the competition, I really don’t know, but I think the promotional pens market it a very strong segment of the promotional products industry.


Webcam Covers For a Secure World

There was a time where you could practically leave your door open and nobody would come in. Kids could play outside without a care in the world and you wouldn’t think twice about letting a stranger inside your house. Those days are long gone now. People looking to do bad are everywhere. It is like the social fabric that once held everything together is either gone or had changed beyond recognition. These days you need to be more careful than ever. Which is why we need webcam covers for a secure world.

You need to look your house, lock to car and always keep your kids within easy sight. Although it is a sad state of affairs unfortunately it is the reality that we now live any. That is not to say that all it bad. Surely there have been some major advances in technology and society that have benefitted us tremendously. When it comes to security we all need to be super vigilant.

Even though we choose to be super careful the truth is that we invited unwanted visitors into our houses every day. We may not directly invite them but we do nonetheless. Every time we turn on our computers we are potentially letting someone into our homes without even knowing it. You know that little camera on your computer? It could be the potential gateway for nefarious elements into your home. More and more webcams are being hacked by people who want to enter your home without you even know. You would not even know it have been hacked as they can disable the little light that indicates when your webcam is on. That is why people should be using webcam covers.

Webcam covers as a promotional item

Webcam covers have not been around for very long but slowly people are starting to see the benefit of having them on your computer. Companies are even using them as promotional products and giving them away to their customers. Such is the concern that all sorts of organisations are ordering webcam covers, getting them branded with their logo so that they are part of their promotional products, and handing them to their valued customers.

Yes it helps promote their goods and services, but at the same time they are helping their customer protect themselves from the world at large. They are not just protecting themselves but also their families. It could be said that webcam covers are one of the single most valuable computer accessories out there. It is no wonder that companies are using them in their promotions and that universities are handing them out to their students in droves.

Computer accessories as promotional items come back a bit in the recent past. The USB flash drive ruled the promotional realm for a long time. So did bluetooth speakers. Although they have come back a bit, they are still popular but it seems that the tiny little webcam cover has just stepped in at the right time to take their places. So when you think of the next great promo use webcam covers for a secure world!


Webcam Covers For a Secure World

Stay Hydrated With a Travel Mug

Travel is a fine thing. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the world. Apart from the seven wonders of the world there is so much to see. From the islands of Hawaii to the mountains of Bhutan it is truly  glorious world. Year in year out more and more people are leaving their homes and travelling around the world. If you live in a country like Australia it would take you years just to see the beauties of this country alone before needing to head out to see what else is out there. But to confine yourself to just one place would almost be a shame considering how much there is out there to see.

When traveling it is important to be well equiped. You need to have your little knick-knacks that will get you through your travels. Things like toiletries and clothes and everything in between. One of the most import things to have is a good and sturdy travel mug. When you are out and about it is important to stay hydrated. If you get hungry your body can handle it. You can literally go for hours without eating anything and all you will feel is a little nausea. With staying hydrated it is a completely different think. If you get dehydrated on your journeys it can lead to some serious problems. That travel mugs are so important. They are not too big to carry around and there is usually a compartment on your backpack where you can place your travel mug anyway.

Knowing how important travel mugs are for the traveller makes them the perfect promotional product. Promotional travel products are one of the largest growing segments of the promotional gifts market. Companies know how important it is to have a travel mug so they know if they give them to customers they will be well received. The other thing is that there are so many great mugs available in the promotional products arena. When you go to the shops and  find a good travel mug you are always left wanting. In the promotional industry there are heaps of good suppliers that just specialised in travel mugs and similar products so when you go to your promotional products supplier, such as Brand Republic, you have a huge range from which to choose.

Stay Hydrated With a Travel Mug

Stay Hydrated With a Travel Mug


Branded Products And Corporate Marketing

In this digital age we live in life is changing at a rapid pace. The interconnectivity of the world means that communities are interacting more than ever. Especially with the rise of social media the barriers separating people are slowly but surely being eroded. The breaking down of these barriers is not only having a lasting effect on how we form relationship but also how we do business. Companies have had to embrace the new reality to be able to prosper and grow. It is not always easy but it is definitely necessary. Corporate marketing department have had to adapt in the process. The new digital age has not just effected ways companies conduct their advertising, but their marketing in general. This includes the way they incorporate branded products into their marketing campaigns.

Branded promotional products are an integral part of any marketing campaign. Since the advent of capitalism and modern business products and more precisely branded promotional products have been the cornerstone of any respectable marketing strategy. The attainment and retention of customer loyalty is not only seen as logical but essential to the very survival of any business enterprise. Even Karl Marx himself would recognise the duality that is encapsulated in giving something back to the consumer that is so responsible for any firms existence. The Communist Party itself would give away little lapel pins and other party paraphernalia to ensure the loyalty of the masses. Why would corporatists act any different. A branded promotional product sets the scene. It creates the mood. The branded product is the bees knees of any marketing departments existential being.

Branded Products and Digital Marketing

Has this changed with the coming of the digital age you may ask? Absolutely not! Why would the relationship between the consumer change simply because of the arrival of a new medium. The digital realm is merely an extension of what was already here, namely television and the the internet. Going digital hasn’t diminished the need for branded products but has enhanced it. Think about the new phenomena of social influences. A few years back and it was only celebrities that got the job of promoting products. Actors and singers and sports stars were the exclusive promoters of company’s wares.

These days it is any individual with a profile, not necessarily talented or skilled in anyway other than the way they pose or how they present themselves. Yet still omnipresent in all of this the the branded product. Inevitable the profile means nothing without giving something back to the consumer. The lifeblood of inter-relational commerce.

Corporate Marketing

Corporate Marketing

Versatility of Promotional Drink Bottles

When looking for a versatile promotional products to add to your marketing products line up there are a lot of products you can look for. The range of promotional products available now are in the tens of thousands. So when you are looking for a promotional gift to give to your customers the chances are that you will be able to readily find one. All you need to do is find an excellent promotional products supplier such as Brand Republic. They will surely point to in the right direction to ensure that you get the best possible product you can find to utilise in your marketing campaign which will leave your customer bedazzled. A bedazzled customer will inevitably become not just a loyal customer but a fan of your company or organisation. The Versatility of Promotional Drink Bottles is well know in the promotional field.

What about promotional drink bottles?

One of the most popular promotional products out there is the promotional drink bottle. Promotional drink bottles are popular precisely because they are such a versatile corporate gift. You will literally find promotional drink bottles being used in a large range marketing campaigns by the largest variety of corporations and organisations. Drink Bottles are suitable for almost any promotional campaign simple because they are so useful. Whether you use it for sports, for hiking, at the beach or in your children school bags, you will alway find yourself needing more. There is nothing worse then finding yourself without water or some beverage to wet your thirst. Indeed it is scientifically proven that a human can go with out food much longer than they can without water. Just a few hours without water can cause severe dehydration or even death. Just ask anyone!

It is for this reason that promotional drink bottles are a great promotional product. The other great reason is environmental. Re-using the same drink bottle instead of a disposable single use plastic bottle is the greatest thing for the environment. It is said that there is now more plastic in our oceans than there are fish. This can only be addressed if people stop using single use water bottles and start using re-usable drink bottles. So incorporate a promotional drink bottle into your promotional products line up. You are not just helping your customers stay hydrated, and by extension alive, but you are also helping to save the environment. So a simple act of adding drink bottles to your promotional marketing is like saving the world we live in. More then almost any other promotional product there is out there equalled only by re-usable bags.

Promotional USB Still a Hot Corporate Gift

It these times of shrinking budgets and uncertain economic times companies have become more mindful of where they put their promotional dollars.Many products have come and gone in the world of promotional products but one product has endured and that is the Promotional USB.  Promotional USBs have been the mainstay of the promotional products industry for well over 15yrs. What started off as an expensive and exclusive product has morphed into the most popular promotional item in the history of corporate gifts.

The promotional USB has left a mark like no other. It is not certain if there will ever be a product to come along and replace it. Many have tried, like the promotional power bank, but none have even come close. Custom USB Sticks are by far the most important promotional product of the 21st Century. But custom USB sticks are far from being history. They remain as dominant as ever.

Dominates Promotional Products

So when you have a product that has been so dominant as the humble promotional USB why would you look any further. Sure there are other items that you should have in you promotional campaign but throwing in a custom USB stick is a no brainer. Not only are they really cheap but they still carry the cache that they have had all these years. Custom USB stick were and still are the ant’s pants so to say.

Just like the lanyard they easily fit into any promotion. Indeed they are the ideal pair for the custom printed lanyard. They work great together because both can be printed and you can attach a lanyard to a promotional USB. You can even colour match both the items for added impact. So here you have to great items which are interrelated and so inexpensive. Another reason why they should not be left out of any marketing campaign.

That is not to say that there are not other great promotional items. There are literally thousands of promotional products out there. They are not merely promotional products but fantastic promotional items. All one needs to do is put a little thought into what the customer would like to receive and the decision is quite simple. It is remarkable that there is such a large choice of products to enhance a marketing promotional campaign



Chocolate The Sweetest Promotional Gift

There are so many items to chose from when deciding what to use as your next promotional gift it can sometime be daunting. There are mugs, and clothing and all sorts of things and unless you have a specific program or need it can be really difficult. That is why choosing to give your customers promotional chocolates is a great idea at any time of the year. Indeed promotional confectionary is a huge part of promotional gift giving. Not only are there chocolates but all sorts of sweets like lollies, biscuits and macaroons. But of all the sweets chocolates are surely the best. Chocolate promotional gifts are idea the sweetest gift there is.

Chocolate Promotional Gifts

Our custom chocolate items can be branded with your logo or message. The branding can be just a simple sticker or we can even custom print the wrapping or box. There are also a number of kinds of chocolates to choose from whether you are looking at individual chocolates, boxes of chocolates or chocolate bars. So before you consider your next promotion consider custom chocolates.

At Brand Republic we supply a delicious range of confectionary items as corporate gifts. All our treats can be branded with you logo. We offer custom branding options on packaging, the wrapping or even the treats themselves in some cases.

Brexit And The Promotional Products Industry

As we already know Britain made the genius decision to leave the European Union. Just as Donald Trump convinced the USA electorate that he could make American great again the British politicians have done the same with the Brits. The only difference is that the US is still a super power and Britain is but a fragment of it’s former glory. The end result has been a country of 55 odd million people leaving the largest trading block in the world to go it alone. Unfortunately it is not going so good at the moment with even the divorce itself still not worked out. The uncertainty surrounding the terms of the break and the changing dynamic of Britain with the rest of the world economy has lead to the withdrawal of hundreds of companies. The type of companies has been broad including retail, banking and manufacturing to say the least. By some measures just in the financial sector banks and other financial companies at least $1 trillion worth of assets have shifted out of the country and into the European Union because of Brexit.

Winners and Losers of Brexit

Whilst it has been a loss to the UK it has been a boon for other EU countries. The companies leaving the UK have already created around 2,000 new jobs elsewhere in the European Union in response to Brexit.The financial services industry employs 2.2 million people across the country, and contributes 12.5% of GDP. It generates £72 billion in tax revenue each year. So all these financial companies looking to relocate elsewhere can’t be a good thing for the UK. In the financial sector Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Citi have already moved parts of their business out of the United Kingdom. The main beneficiaries have been Dublin, Luxembourg, Frankfurt and Paris which were the most popular destinations. Japanese banks Nomura and Daiwa are setting up EU operations in Germany. And Japan’s Norinchukin Bank has recently confirmed that it is establishing a wholly-owned banking subsidiary in Amsterdam to off-set any issues with Brexit. British ferry operator P&O announced on Tuesday that it will register to Cyprus

In other sectors:

  • Insurance and reinsurance market Lloyds of London is establishing an insurance company in Brussels.
  • Hermes Investment Management opened a branch in Dublin.
  • German engineering group Schaeffler is closing two plants in the United Kingdom.
  • Dyson is moving its HQ to Singapore (even though Mr Dyson was a supporter of Brexit).
  • Japanese electronics’ manufacturer Panasonic is moving its European HQ from the UK to Amsterdam.
  • Sony is also moving its European HQ to The Netherlands to minimise Brexit disruption.
  • Japanese retailer Muji is rumoured to be moving its European HQ from the UK to Germany.

Many smaller businesses are also looking at establishing European bases too. Online giftware retailer Rex London is setting up a Dutch base and The Grown Up Chocolate Company is considering relocating its business to Slovakia, for example. Indeed Dutch officials are in contact with more than 250 companies about a possible post-Brexit move, the Dutch government has stated. You can be sure other countries are also chasing business with Frankfurt, Paris and Dublin all eager to replace London as the place to be.

How This Effects Promotional Products Industry

The promotional products industry is huge in Europe. Just in the UK the industry turns over £1 billion pound. The sum for Europe if many times larger then this. Although there are no solid figure the EU market is larger then the US and there are 26,413 business in this category and they employ 392,820 people across the United States. What effect the Brexit will have on the promotional products industry in the UK and promotional products in general is anyones guess. What is known is that there is a large cross-boarder trade in promotional products between the UK and other EU member states. The UK both buys products from other EU countries and sells to them as well. So it can only be assumed that there will be a significant impact on the industry there. The promotional gifts market doesn’t just source products from China, it sources from all over the world including EU countries. There are promotional merchandising manufacturers throughout Europe. This also include printer, embroiders, packers, logistics and fulfilment. All of which is spread across the union. So how will Brexit effect the promo products industry. A lot! Thanks very much.